Times Square Alliance

Times Square Alliance

Times Square Alliance

Image source : https://www.timessquarenyc.org/

Country United State
City New York City
Name Time Square Alliance
Date 1992
Description of the project Times Square used to be gridlocked with yellow cabs and black S.U.V.s., it had no square — even though, for decades, pedestrians vastly outnumbered motorists passing through the area: 90 percent of the users were being squished into just over 10 percent of the area. This was also the case for cyclists who since the early 90s chose this same very spot in Times Square to raise their bikes over their heads and claim for safer bike infrastructure – bike lanes, bridge access and green infrastructure that most cities around the world already were enjoying.
Eventually, after much persistence, a big portion of Times Square is now an auto-free zone. The pedestrianization of Times Square was the flagship to get many of the city’s parks and plazas in far better shape than they were before, but reclaiming space alone is not sufficient to create the sort of vibrant public plaza we’d all like. That requires real stewardship. Civic culture needs cultivating and curating. Unless we do so, public space can become a public nuisance.
The Times Square Alliance was founded in 1992, it works to promote the creativity, energy, and edge that have made the area an icon of entertainment, culture and urban life. In addition to providing core neighborhood services with its Public Safety Officers and Sanitation Associates, the Alliance promotes local businesses; encourages economic development and public improvements; co-coordinates numerous major events in Times Square (including the annual New Year’s Eve and Solstice in Times Square celebrations); and advocates on behalf of its constituents with respect to a host of public policy, planning and quality-of-life issues. The Alliance is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization, accepts tax-deductible contributions, and is governed by a large, voluntary Board of Directors.
The Alliance’s public space programs are aimed at improving the street level experience, reducing pedestrian congestion, encouraging high-quality private-sector design, and exhibiting exciting temporary public art – reinforcing Times Square’s status as the Crossroads of the World.
Urban Co-Governance Moderate
Enabling State Moderate
Pooling Strong
Experimentalism Moderate
Tech Justice Moderate
Project Website Times Square NYC : https://www.timessquarenyc.org/
References, sources, contact person(s) Times Square NYC : https://www.timessquarenyc.org/

Contact : Info@TimesSquareNYC.org

times square

Brooklyn Bridge Park

Brooklyn Bridge Park

Image source: https://www.facebook.com/brooklynbridgepark
Country United States
City New York City
Name Brooklyn Bridge Park
Date 1984
Description of the project Brooklyn Bridge Park is not like other city parks. It exists only because of an extensive planning and community advocacy and it operates through a hybrid public-private model. After the close of its cargo operations in 1984, the plan was to sell that area for commercial development, but not-for-profit organization Friends of Fulton Ferry Landing fought for space and conceived the idea of the park.

A continuation of this battle is the constant conflict among private development and plans to establish affordable housing, which continues to divide neighbors and neighborhood associations.

Urban Co-Governance
Enabling State
Tech Justice
Project Website https://www.brooklynbridgepark.org/
References, sources, contact person(s) Contact : https://www.brooklynbridgepark.org/about/contact-us/


334 Furman St, Brooklyn, NY 11201


East River Greenway

East River Greenway

Image source: http://co-nyc.commoning.city/item/east-river-greenway/
Country United States
City New York City
Name East River Greenway
Date 2017
Description of the project Manhattan’s East Side waterfront is the result of real estate deals, park restorations, reclaimed piers and construction of new esplanades.

It is “an important open space resource for the city, providing access to the shoreline for a variety of activities, integrating larger parks within a connected network, and providing a bike path for recreation and commuting. This is an opportunity to create public open space, providing residents in some of Manhattan’s most densely populated neighborhoods with improved access to the city’s waterfront. When complete, the 32.5-mile Greenway loop will connect a network of green spaces totaling more than 1,000 acres—a space larger than Central Park—running continuously around the entire island. Joggers, walkers, cyclists, and people of varying ages and abilities from every neighborhood should have access to the Greenway that is designed within the context of each unique neighborhood.” (website)

Urban Co-Governance
Enabling State
Tech Justice
Project Website https://edc.nyc/project/manhattan-waterfront-greenway
References, sources, contact person(s) http://co-nyc.commoning.city/item/east-river-greenway/

Facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/NYCEDC

Contact : EastMidtownWaterfront@edc.nyc

East River Greenway

Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space

Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space

Country United States
City New York City
Name Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space
Description of the project The Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space is located on Avenue C, between East 9th and 10th Avenues. The Museum serves as an archive, documenting the history of activism in the Lower East Side, East Village, and Alphabet City. Through its exhibitions, community workshops, and guided tours of the neighborhood, the Museum preserves the history of grassroots activism and promotes environmentally-sound, community-based urban ecologies. The Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space celebrates local activists who transformed abandoned buildings and vacant lots into vibrant community spaces and gardens. Many of the neighborhoods’ innovative, environmentally sustainable concepts have spread to other parts of New York City, and the rest of the world.
Urban Co-Governance
Enabling State
Tech Justice
Project Website http://www.morusnyc.org/
References, sources, contact person(s)

155 Avenue C, New York, NY 10009


Loisaida center – Street Festival

Loisaida center – Street Festival

Peut être une image de texte qui dit ’Living OmKю Children Healthy Yethu - የችሱን The Activities - LOISAIDA - CArt Festival - Music Music NYC Green Food’
Image source : http://loisaida.org/ Logo source : https://www.facebook.com/LoisaidaFest
Country United State
City New York City (Lower East Side)
Name Loisada Center – Street Festival
Date 1979
Description of the project Founded in 1979, the Loisaida Center is the oldest Puerto Rican nonprofit organization in the Lower East Side. Since then, its mission has been to address the “social and economic disenfranchisement of poor, low-income, and working class residents of the Lower East Side.” Every year, the Loisaida Center hosts the Loisaida Festival, which attracts over 18,000 visitors. The Festival celebrates Puerto Rican and Latino culture through music, food, and the arts. It began as an event for the community and has now grown to attract visitors from all over the city. It also serves as a platform to disseminate critical information regarding education, health, or other public interest information to the neighborhood.

Since 1987, the Loisaida Festival has been celebrated on the Sunday before Memorial Day. This is the largest ethnic community pride festival in the Lower East Side and grows annually in impact, attracting between 15,000-25,000 people each year.

Urban Co-Governance Moderate
Enabling State Moderate
Pooling Moderate
Experimentalism Weak
Tech Justice Weak
Project Website http://loisaida.org/loisaida-festival/
References, sources, contact person(s) http://www.loisaidafest.org/home/overview/

Social center Facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/TheLoisaidaCenter

Festival Facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/LoisaidaFest

Contact : info@loisaida.org for the social center, and for the festival festival@loisaida.org

New York City