Loisaida center – Street Festival

Peut être une image de texte qui dit ’Living OmKю Children Healthy Yethu - የችሱን The Activities - LOISAIDA - CArt Festival - Music Music NYC Green Food’
Image source : http://loisaida.org/ Logo source : https://www.facebook.com/LoisaidaFest
Country United State
City New York City (Lower East Side)
Name Loisada Center – Street Festival
Date 1979
Description of the project Founded in 1979, the Loisaida Center is the oldest Puerto Rican nonprofit organization in the Lower East Side. Since then, its mission has been to address the “social and economic disenfranchisement of poor, low-income, and working class residents of the Lower East Side.” Every year, the Loisaida Center hosts the Loisaida Festival, which attracts over 18,000 visitors. The Festival celebrates Puerto Rican and Latino culture through music, food, and the arts. It began as an event for the community and has now grown to attract visitors from all over the city. It also serves as a platform to disseminate critical information regarding education, health, or other public interest information to the neighborhood.

Since 1987, the Loisaida Festival has been celebrated on the Sunday before Memorial Day. This is the largest ethnic community pride festival in the Lower East Side and grows annually in impact, attracting between 15,000-25,000 people each year.

Urban Co-Governance Moderate
Enabling State Moderate
Pooling Moderate
Experimentalism Weak
Tech Justice Weak
Project Website http://loisaida.org/loisaida-festival/
References, sources, contact person(s) http://www.loisaidafest.org/home/overview/

Social center Facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/TheLoisaidaCenter

Festival Facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/LoisaidaFest

Contact : info@loisaida.org for the social center, and for the festival festival@loisaida.org

New York City


Posted on

July 26, 2018