Battipaglia – Co-Battipaglia Collaborative Urban Plan

Battipaglia – Co-Battipaglia Collaborative Urban Plan

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Country Italy
City Battipaglia
Name Co-Battipaglia (Collaborative Urban Plan)
Date 2014
Description CO-Battipaglia is the result of Co-design/co-planning Laboratory, open and collaborative, called Organized legality. A nursery of civic energy for growing the future of the territory. The Prefect, appointed in Battipaglia in 2014, after the dissolution of the Municipal Council due to Mafia infiltrations, commissioned a study to both ALVISI-KIRIMOTO and LUISS LabGov – LABoratory for the GOVernance of commons, in order to develop the strategic guidelines for the Municipal City Plan (PUC).

The team has the objective to produce the guidelines for the realization of a collaborative territorial/local Pact for the care and regeneration of the local commons. The Pact will create a stable public, private, community partnership, that will be technically validated and shared between citizens and  local institutions. The Pact will be the base for the establishment of a collaborative implementation method of the future PUC. Moreover, the Pact will be the first step of a new paradigm of local development for the care and regeneration of Battipaglia’s commons. From February to March 2015 the team encountered associations, active citizens, social innovators, enterprises, public administrations and schools of the city. The meetings have been held in the ex-Scuola De Amicis of Battipaglia. From the participatory process emerged four main themes, that will be the base for the definition of a urban collaborative strategy for the regeneration and redevelopment of the city:

1.        PUBLIC BATTIPAGLIA: Battipaglia lacks public spaces (green areas, meeting places, ect.). It is important to recover and regenerate the public spaces all around the city. Indeed, to transform abandoned spaces in public spaces could be a possibility. It should be used a collaborative method through public, private, civic, community partnerships.

2.             REGENERATED BATTIPAGLIA: The landscape of Battipaglia is marked by abandoned spaces: industrial areas, masserie and cascine (typical farmhouses), real estate seized to the Mafia, unlawful houses and buildings. These are potential sources of economic development. For this reasons it is important to re-activate these places for the urban renaissance.

3.             ECOLOGICAL BATTIPAGLIA: To invest on the collaborative care of the “wealth of the territory” should become a priority. It is important to solve both infrastructural and behavioral problems, that impact on the geological risk and provoke groundwater pollution. Regulations is needed for the use of the land, both in case of quarries and greenhouses. The costline should be protected for the high ecological value (pinet forest, dunes, beaches). Moreover, the wealth of the territory pass through the redesign of the urban mobility.

4.             CREATIVE BATTIPAGLIA: The future of Battipaglia have to be based on education and knowledge. The schools and the cultural institutions have a key role. Sites such as the ex-Scuola De Amicis, the Castelluccio and the Tabacchificio should become the strategic nodes of the knowledge development of the city. Battipaglia will become a crossroad of culture, research and scientific experimentation.

The 21 and 22 June 2015 the Municipality of Battipaglia in collaboration with Alvisi-Kirimoto and LUISS LabGov – LABoratory for the GOVernance of commons organizes the first global day of the organized legality. The event, called “Battipaglia Collabora” (Battipaglia collaborates), put together citizens and virtuous economic and social groups, for the collective and collaborative regeneration of the city. The activities that will take place during the two-day event Battipaglia Collabora will be a sample of the possible ways in which citizens can collaborate with the public institutions for the future of the Battipaglia’s territory.

Urban Co-Governance Moderate
Enabling State Strong
Pooling Moderate
Experimentalism Moderate
Tech Justice N/A
References, sources, contact person(s)
Website; articles; Co-City project


Rome – Co-Roma

Rome – Co-Roma

Image credit : Screenshot April 2022 from

Country Italy
City Rome
Name Co-Roma
Date 2014
Description The application of the first four phases of the LabGov’s CO-Cities protocol (knowing, mapping, practicing, prototyping) to the Roman context has allowed to identify the area of Centocelle as the main field of experimentation in the CO-Roma project. This pre-test phase was developed in the framework of LabGov’s (LABoratory for the GOVernance of the Commons) activities for the 2015/2016 academic year, and it has involved university students, local associations, institutions entrepreneurs and professionals. The first step of knowledge creation took place through a series of cheap talks on the commons which aimed at identifying commons that are relevant to the local community. Afterwards the mapping phase began and developed in double direction: an analog process (offline mapping) complemented by a digital one (online or e-mapping). It is important to have on-the-field explorations and direct dialogue with the local actors while also working at the creation of a collaborative digital platform. The mapping process brought to identification of three areas that could function as experimentation fields for the CO-Cities process, thus the next phase saw the realization of civic collaboration micro interventions. The process allowed to select Centocelle as the most suitable site to proceed with the prototyping phase, which took the form of a series of workshops and co-design sessions facilitated by LabGov and involving representatives of the neighbourhood’s Municipality, of the local associations and of the civil society. The process brought to the constitution of a community (Comunità per il Parco Pubblico di Centocelle) which brings together neighbourhood’s committees, associations which are active on the territory and active citizens.
Urban Co-Governance
Enabling State
Tech Justice
References, sources, contact person(s) Website; articles on Co-Cities project

Contact :

Reggio Emilia – CollaboratorioRE

Reggio Emilia – CollaboratorioRE

Image credits :

Country Italy
City Reggio Emilia
Name Co-Reggio Emilia
<Date 2016
Description CO-Reggio Emilia is a process promoted by the municipality of Reggio Emilia in collaboration with the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia and with the scientific, strategical and organizational support of LabGov (LABoratorio per la GOVernance dei beni comuni) and Kilowatt.

The CO-Reggio Emilia process begins with #CollaboratorioRe, a co-design path that will lead to the creation of the Open Laboratory (Laboratorio Aperto) of Reggio Emilia. #CollaboratorioRe aims at creating the first incubator of sharing and pooling economyof Reggio Emilia, a new urban actor that will revolutionize the way we think about the city and will emphasize the role that civic collaboration should play in the care and management of the urban commons. The path of #CollaboratorioRe will enable us to collectively define the subject that will take care of both the physical space (The Saint Peter Cloister, Chiostri di San Pietro, part of an historic monastery and built in the Renaissance -1524, 1584- that will be  regenerated by the Reggio Emilia Municipality, through a regional program) but also of a new economic institution. The Saint Peter cloisters will host the Open Laboratory, a public-private structure for experimenting innovative solutions the field of social services and innovative entrepreneurship.The Open Laboratory will be a place for experimentation, a space where new forms of democracy and economy will be practiced, employment and new  skills  will be created, innovative solutions able to answer to the needs of individuals and  the community of Reggio Emilia will be collaboratively created.

The Open Lab will therefore constitute an infrastructure through which the principles of  local economic democracy, outlined in the Italian Constitutions, might be implemented. The Lab will be open to all those actors who believe in the importance of fulfilling their “political, economic and social solidarity duty” (Art. 2, Italian Constitution) and are willing to contribute to the “material or spiritual progress of society” (Art. 4, Italian Constitution). The Open Lab aims at generating cultural and cognitive institutions that will be open and collaborative (Art. 9 and 33, Italian Constitution) but also at creating “workers and users communities” or autonomous initiatives dealing with activities of public interest (Art 43 and 118 Italian Constitution).

Urban Co-Governance Strong
Enabling State Moderate
Pooling Moderate
Experimentalism Strong
Tech Justice Weak
References, sources, contact person(s) Website; articles

Contact :

reggio emilia

Bologna – CoBologna

Bologna – CoBologna

Country Italy
City Bologna
Name Co-Bologna
Date 2014
Description CO-Bologna is the main field of experimentation of the CO-Cities project, a research project aimed at developing, testing and adapting to the urban environment the design principles for the governance of the commons located by the Economics’ Nobel prize Elinor Ostrom to the urban context Since 2011, the City of Bologna initiated a policy process to introduce collaboration as a methodology for governing the urban commons. After two years of field experimentation in three city neighborhoods, in the context of the “City as a commons” project supported by the Fondazione del Monte di Bologna and Ravenna, the City of Bologna adopted a regulatory framework, the Bologna Regulation on civic collaboration for the urban commons, in February 2014. The central regulatory tool of the Bologna Regulation on Public Collaboration for the Urban Commons is the pact of collaboration, through which the city and citizens (informal groups, NGO’s, private entities) agree on an intervention of care and regeneration of an urban commons (green space, abandoned buildings, squares). Since the approval of the Regulation, 280 pacts of collaboration have been signed.

The second phase of the Bologna Collaborative City program, the CO-Bologna process, aiming at applying the same design principles of the governance of the urban commons to other local public policies started in 2015. CO-Bologna, an open pact of collaboration between the City of Bologna and the Foundation Del Monte of Bologna and Ravenna and operated under  the scientific coordination of LabGov (The Laboratory for the Governance of the Commons) builds upon the experience of the Regulation for the urban commons and intends to transform City government into an institutional ecosystem based on public-commons/people/community partnerships through the quintuple helix approach (which implies the involvement through loosely coupled systems of the local private entrepreneurs, the knowledge institutions, the civil society organizations) to enable collective action in the city and the birth of institutions based on the three dimensions of urban co-governance: sharing, collaboration and polycentricity.

The CO-Bologna project consists in the experimentation of co-design of governance institutions in three fieldwork, corresponding to three city area that mirrors the pillastr of the CO-city; Pilastro (making togheter, urban commons) Bolognina (living together, social innovation) and Croce del Biacco (growing togheter, collaborative economy disctrict). Another core pillar of the CO-Bologna process is the establishment of an Office for Civic Immagination. The Office for Civic Immagination is a policy innovation lab, structured as a co-working area internal to the municipal administration, through which the civil servants can work together in order to find innovative solution to common problems and implement the principle of civic collaboration. Finally, the CO-Bologna process also includes the evaluation of the Bologna Regulation, in order to understand the impact of the public policy on the urban democracy. The evaluation is indeed one of the crucial phase of the CO-city protocol, that describe the cycle of a collaborative public policy to implement the city as a commons. Evaluation is conceived as an intermediate phase between prototyping and modelizing, that is realized in order to enrich the understanding of the evolving of the policy process and introduce appropriates corrections. This methodology is coherent with the principles of experimentation and adaptiveness as crucial characteristic of an innovative collaborative policy making at the urban level.

Urban Co-Governance Strong
Enabling State Strong
Pooling Strong
Experimentalism Strong
Tech Justice Moderate
References, sources, contact person(s) Website; articles

Contact :



Mantova – Co-Mantova

Mantova – Co-Mantova

Image source : screenshot April, 6th 2022
Country Italy
City Mantova
Name Co-Mantova
Date 2014
Description of the project Co-Mantova is a prototype of an institutionalizing process to run cities as a collaborative commons and therefore as “co-cities“, whereby urban, environmental, cultural, knowledge and digital commons are co-managed by the five actors of the collaborative governance – social innovators (i.e. active citizens, makers, digital innovators, urban regenerators, rurban innovators, etc.), public authorities, businesses, civil society organizations, knowledge institutions – through an institutionalized public-private-people/community partnership. CO-Mantova builds on the experience developed by LabGov through the “City as a Commons“ project and the Regulation on collaboration for Urban Commons that LabGov contributed to draft for the City of Bologna at the end of that project.

Urban Co-Governance Moderate
Enabling State Strong
Pooling Moderate
Experimentalism Moderate
Tech Justice Moderate
Project Website
References, sources, contact person(s)
