by Chiara De Angelis | Jun 8, 2018
Country |
United States |
City |
New York City |
Name |
REIC New York Real Estate Development Cooperative |
Date |
2015 |
Description |
NYCREIC is an alternative real estate investment platform realizing democratic investment mechanisms in order to realize cultural and social spaces for a more equal and sustainable city. NYCREIC provides assistance to communities to collect the capital that is necessary to realize community real estate development projects, that can also provide working spaces for cultural and social enterprises. Between the preliminary requirements for NYCREIC’s investments: the purchased properties have to locate in New York City, the projects have to bring benefits to the community and be meant to facilitate the access to spaces for communities who historically have difficulties in acceding stable meeting and working spaces. The projects and the proposed purchased have to have a financial sustainability, in order to minimize risks for the cooperative’s members. At last, a legal mechanism preventing the property to be put on market in future, such as a Community Land Trust, has to be provided. Its aim is to create, within 2017, at least a commercial space at affordable prices. |
Urban Co-Governance |
Moderate |
Enabling State |
Strong |
Pooling |
Strong |
Experimentalism |
Strong |
Tech Justice |
Moderate |
Project Website | |
References, sources, contact person(s) |
NYCREIC, New York City. Source: Website. Contact : |
new york
by Chiara De Angelis | Jun 8, 2018
Source: Red Hook Wifi,
Country |
United States |
City |
New York City (Brooklyn) |
Name |
Red Hook Wi Fi |
Date |
2012 |
Project Description |
In Red Hook, Brooklyn, a wireless mesh network has been created: it’s a technology that allows the realization of an open and accessible internet net at a neighborhood level, already experimented in Italy with the Ninux project, in Greece with Guifi, in Germany with Freifunk and in Greece with The Red Hook zone, in Brooklyn borough, suffers from a scarce Internet connection, and the Red Hook Initiative is bornt with the aim of filling this gap, thanks to the cooperation of the group guiding the initiative, of the residents and of the local enterprises. The aim of the project is the community-led local economic development, and to reach it, several activities with the community and the neighborhood are organized. The initiative provides a 6 months formation program to the neighborhood youth (19-24 years old) in order to transmit them skills connected to digital and cooperative community leadership for a 6 months period, after which a stage in a local enterprise is provided. That’s how Red Hook Initiative Digital Stewards are bornt: they can use those competences to the development of projects and community enterprises |
Urban Co-Governance |
Moderate |
Enabling State |
Moderate |
Pooling |
Moderate |
Experimentalism |
Moderate |
Tech Justice |
Strong |
Prohhect Website | |
References, sources, contact person(s) |
Source: Website
Contact : |
new york brooklyn
by Chiara De Angelis | Jun 8, 2018
Sources: We Act Website
Country |
United States |
City |
New York City (Northern Manhattan) |
Name |
WE ACT for Climate Change_Northern Manhattan Climate Action Plan |
Date |
1988 |
Description |
The project is part of the Plan for Environmental Justice, and its aim is to use buildings that are owned or controlled by the city to create spaces/community hubs and to help making Harlem a resilient community from the environmental and social pont of view. In those community spaces several groups could meet, build community cohesion and discuss upon the possible uses of the spaces: from the creation of community gardens, to local libraries, to energetic infrastructures and spaces for artistic and cultural expression. |
Urban Co-Governance |
Moderate |
Enabling State |
Moderate |
Pooling |
Moderate |
Experimentalism |
Weak |
Tech Justice |
Weak |
Website | |
References, sources, contact person(s) |
Source: Website.
Contact : & |
Northern Manhattan
by Chiara De Angelis | Jun 8, 2018
Source: Mott Haven Herald
South Bronx
by Chiara De Angelis | Jun 8, 2018
Image source:
Country |
Italy |
City |
Messina |
Name |
Messina Laboratory for the commons (Civic Uses for the Commons)
Date |
2014 |
Description of the project |
Inspired by other commons initiatives like the one in Naples, the City of Messina has passed some resolutions to transform urban spaces in the City of Messica through the use of the principle of “civic uses” for urban commons, with the aim of appropriating spaces and buildings for the common good and for the organization of cultural, artistic, and social activities.
The city has thus embarked in a process of widening of the forms of citizen participation in the administrative choices of the municipal democracies. The aim is to build a shared administration model for the maintenance, management and development of urban commons.
Within this purpose, the first step has been moved with the resolution of January 30th, 2014, with which the Municipal Council of Messina created the “Messina Lab for the commons and the participated institutions”. The resolution sets out the objectives the Lab will have to pursue in carrying out its activities, highlighting the intent of implementing new, more transparent and more democratic forms of urban governance.
During its first six months of activity, the Lab carried out its duties by elaborating a Regulation for the shared use of the commons of the city of Messina and those goods that are subject to the principle of civic subsidiarity. It created new communication spaces, canalized proposals from below, and offered a space to start elaborative processes of cooperation.
Moreover, on March 24th, 2015, the Assessor on self-management of commons formulated a proposal aimed to identify the criteria for the implementation of shared use and granting of use of immovable goods of Municipal property.
Alongside the initiatives mentioned, there were many other attempts to achieve an increase in efficiency in the management of goods identified as common goods – think about the regulation for the assignment and management of the urban gardens for organic cultivation, put in place by the same Department of the Environment of Messina. |
Urban Co-Governance |
Moderate |
Enabling State |
Strong |
Pooling |
Weak |
Experimentalism |
Moderate |
Tech Justice |
N/A |
Project Website | |
References, sources, contact person(s) |
Article: Ialacqua, D., “Partecipazione e beni comuni” Report 2013-2016, Comune di Messina, Laboratorio per i beni comuni e le istituzioni partecipateContact : |