Iperbole Community

Iperbole Community

Image credit : https://www.comune.bologna.it/home

Country Italia
City Bologna
Name Iperbole Community
Date 2011
Description of the project Iperbole is an institutional digital platform for the commons. It is a unique example in the Italian context, the City of Bologna heavily invested in the role of communication and digital media to foster the dimension of transparency within the Open Government framework, interconnected with the Regulation for the Urban commons.

“This strong interconnection shows how the City of Bologna values online civic participation as a tool for enhancing offline civic participation. Iperbole_Comunità is a space, both static and interactive, which is aimed at promoting and facilitating the transparency of the process of definition of the pacts of collaboration. The civic pacts’ proposals and the final version of the pacts are published on Iperbole_Comunità. It also hosts an interactive space allowing the users to interact on the platform and discuss over the pacts of collaboration and on potential urban commons problems.” (E. De Nictolis, Ivana Pais)

Urban Co-Governance Moderate
Enabling State Strong
Pooling Moderate
Experimentalism Moderate
Tech Justice Strong
Project Website https://www.comune.bologna.it/home
References, sources, contact person(s) Sources : studies within the Co-Bologna program, E. De Nictolis, Ivana Pais ; Website.

Contact :

Athens – SynAthina

Athens – SynAthina

Image credit : Logo and Screenshot(21/04/2022)from http://www.synathina.gr/en/
Country Greece
City Athens
Name SynAthina
Date 2013
Description SynAthina is a community platform based in the city of Athens, created for impuls of Athens Municipality, that connects, facilitates and supports citizens groups involved in the amelioration of the quality of life in Athens. Several tools are made available for citizens: the web platform, the SynAthina kiosk (meeting point) and thematic meeting. From its launch in 2013, SynAthina has hosted 2227 activities realized by 259 groups of citizens and institutions
Urban Co-Governance Weak
Enabling State Strong
Pooling Moderate
Experimentalism Strong
Tech Justice Strong
Website http://www.synathina.gr/el/
References, sources, contact person(s) Interview to Amalia Zepou (Athens deputy mayor, foundator of SynAthina); website

Facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/SunAthina/

Contact : info@synathina.gr


Lomé – Woelab

Lomé – Woelab

Country Togo
City Lomé
Name Woelab
Date 2012
Description Woelab is a mix between a fablab, a co-working space and a living lab, and wants to promote the values of freedom, sharing, independence and mediation, together with the #LowHighTech philosophy. Its prerogatives are: being a digital resources center and an incubator of new technologies, the democratic technology and the collaboration with university and research
Urban Co-governance Moderate
Enabling state Moderate
Pooling Strong
Experimentalism Strong
Tech Justice Moderate
Project website http://www.woelabo.com/
References, sources, contect person(s) Interview to Sename Agbodjinou Koffi (foundator of Woelab); website

woelabo@gmail.com | contact@woelabo.com


Barcelona – Citizen Participation Regulation, Decidim

Barcelona – Citizen Participation Regulation, Decidim

Image source :  Screenshot, 21/04/2022 from https://www.decidim.barcelona/

Country Spain
City Barcelona
Name Citizen Participation Regulation, Decidim
Date 2017
The participation platform decidim.barcelona is a space for the promoting Committee to post information and collect digital signatures, provided by the City Council.

The Barcelona City Council, responding to a citizen and political demand, has launched a participatory process to change the rules governing citizen participation. The process is impulsed by a committee formed by all municipal groups, entities and experts.
The Committee of Government has approved the draft regulation starting with the first approval of the proposed legislation of the Ciutadana Participation Regulatory Rules.The President’s Committee has approved the initial text of the Ciutadana Participation Regulation.When the Presidential Committee adopts the proposal, it will be subject to public consultation for a period of three months.The year 2013-2014 will see the completion of a process to revise the legislation to bring it into line with social reality, which will not be opened in plenary for lack of political consensus. Some of the entities that want to take part in this process have asked the Council to resume a participatory process for revising the legislation, and, in response to these requests, this process has begun. This is a process that requires a full and political consensus, which is why a broad and representative steering committee has been set up, comprising the main political groups, second-tier entities and recognised experts in the field
The Highlight programs are : Cessation of public areas and information areas at the communication mechanisms, Community support, Civic management of equipment and municipal services, Facilitating the declaration of public utility, technical support for participation…

Urban Co-Governance Strong
Enabling State Strong
Pooling Moderate
Experimentalism Strong
Tech Justice Strong
Project Website https://www.decidim.barcelona/processes/5
References, sources, contact person(s) Article: http://www.lavanguardia.com/politica/20170419/421840236680/barcelona-aprueba-inicialmente-el-nuevo-reglamento-de-participacion-ciudadana.html

Paper: https://ajuntament.barcelona.cat/participaciociutadana/sites/default/files/documents/1_en_iniciatives_orgcc.pdf

Contact : amonterde@uoc.edu


Madrid –  Cesión de edificios municipales para uso público

Madrid – Cesión de edificios municipales para uso público

Country Spain
City Madrid
Date 2016
Description of the project This project establishes criteria, in the field of Districts of Madrid, for the management of the authorizations or assignments of use are intended to provide local associations with a space where they can develop social and cultural projects and activities for the neighbourhood. This regulation wants to make the election process of associations to use a public building more transparent and democratic.

The final goal is to have at least one of this buildings per district. Until now, five spaces on 4 districts (Arganzuela, Fuencarral, Chamberí y Barajas) were given to 40 associations to develop their activities.

In the meanwhile, the Municipality is detecting empty public spaces all around the city to be transfer the right of use by civil association and to do a public map of this buildings. Also, they are preparing a new legal regulation for the self-organizing that will address the transfer of spaces, activities that respond to the new needs that can be detected by the associative fabric and those that the Administration does not reach or the implementation of novel mechanisms of Access to municipal resources.

Urban Co-Governance
Enabling State
Tech Justice
Project Website https://sede.madrid.es/portal/site/tramites/menuitem.62876cb64654a55e2dbd7003a8a409a0/?vgnextoid=5535ac3aae133510VgnVCM1000001d4a900aRCRD&vgnextchannel=c9b8a38813180210VgnVCM100000c90da8c0RCRD&vgnextfmt=default
References, sources, contact person(s)
