Pista Ciclabile S. Bibiana

Pista Ciclabile S. Bibiana

Una pista ciclabile “in piena regola” con tanto di simbolo della due ruote e striscia bianca. E’ spuntata a Roma, nel tunnel di Santa Bibiana, tra l’Esquilino e il quartiere universitario di San Lorenzo. L’iniziativa è stata realizzata da uan decina di cittadini-volontari per diminuire i rischi dei tanti ciclisti che devono percorrere il traforo. Così armati di pennelli e di stencil il ‘Gruppo di Cittadini Promotore’ ha tracciato il percorso. E su un cartello affisso ne ha spiegato i motivi: “Il sindaco Marino, che è sensibile al problema perchè usa la bici, capirà sicuramente e raccoglierà subito la nostra domanda di sicurezza, ovunque è possibile farlo a costo zero. A partire dal tunnel di S. Bibiana”.

See more at: http://www.rainews.it/dl/rainews/media/Roma-a-San-Lorenzo-arriva-la-ciclabile-fatta-dai-cittadini-Il-costo-Solo-140-euro-aa41de87-3610-4c5e-8b0e-75b005db9463.html

Piazza di Porta di San Lorenzo, Roma

L’ex Carcere Minorile di San Michele

L’ex Carcere Minorile di San Michele

Roma è il Cinematografo all’ex carcere minorile

Image source: https://cinema.cultura.gov.it/
Country Italy
City Rome
Name L’ex Carcere Minorile di San Michele
Date 2015
Description of the project The former Juvenile Prison of San Michele on the Ripa Grande harbour, an imposing and unfortunately underused monumental structure, will host from 2 to 4 December the initiative ‘Rome is the cinema’, promoted by the Piccolo Cinema America and the Fondazione Cinema per Roma. The one at the San Michele will be the first appointment of the new ‘CityFest’ project, a travelling festival to bring cinema to the places of the city. The theme of the three evenings will be ‘Youth and Youth Discomfort. This is another example of the great participation of the fondazione del cinema america in the redevelopment of rome. No one should oppose the renovation of venues and abandoned areas, as has often happened, but these organisations should instead be financed and supported in order to bring the city closer to the needs of its citizens.
Urban Co-Governance
Enabling State
Tech Justice
Project Website department of culture page: https://cinema.cultura.gov.it/notizie/roma-e-il-cinematografo-allex-carcere-minorile/
References, sources, contact person(s) Press article : https://roma.repubblica.it/cronaca/2015/11/24/news/il_cinema_riapre_l_ex_carcere_minorile_di_san_michele-128041737/#gallery-slider=128049577

Roma Cinema Fest : https://www.romacinemafest.it/en/


Contact :

Cinema for Rome Fundation – Administration Office

Via di san Michele trastevere, Roma 00153 Italia

Ecosolpop- il mercato NON mercato

Ecosolpop- il mercato NON mercato

Credit Image : https://ecosolpop.wordpress.com/

Country Italy
City Rome
Name Ecosol
Description of the project After the evacuation of the City of the Other Economy project at Campo Boario, a permanent city laboratory of realities and enterprises whose aim is to centre their activity on social utility, for the construction of a society that protects common goods, a fair, participated and sustainable society. An economy that creates social wealth and a good life for the territories and communities that inhabit them.
Every first Sunday of the month, there is EcoSolPop – the ECOlogical, SOLIDAL and POPULAR NON-market: a place-event in which numerous agricultural producers, short-chain food producers and artisans of reuse and recycling come together in an area of free exchange, bartering and gratuitousness, the critical and solidarity-based consumers of Gas, the itinerant laboratory of degrowth, activities for children, backyard games and writing workshops.Citizens, associations, entrepreneurs or shopkeepers, schools, universities or other cultural institutions are taking care (or have expressed the intention to take care) of this shared resource in the interest of the community.This collaborative community has created a form of management of the shared resource that is environmentally, economically, socially and culturally sustainable to ensure its use by the whole community.
Urban Co-Governance Strong
Enabling State Moderate
Pooling Moderate
Experimentalism Moderate
Tech Justice Weak
Project Website https://ecosolpop.wordpress.com/
References, sources, contact person(s) Website ;

Contact : ecosolpop@yahoo.it

Via della Stazione Tuscolana 84 San Giovanni, Roma 00182 Italia

Urban reinvestment by The Genitori Scuola Di Donato Association

Urban reinvestment by The Genitori Scuola Di Donato Association

Il sito dell'Associazione Genitori Scuola Di Donato di Roma.

Image source:  http://www.genitorididonato.it/wp/
Country Italy
City Rome
Name Urban reinvestment by The Genitori Scuola Di Donato Association
Date 2003
Description of the project The Genitori Scuola Di Donato Association aims to serve as a catalyst for civic engagement by fostering socialization and participation through the provision of recreational, artistic, cultural, sports, educational and training activities, promoting and consolidating the mutual exchange between the different cultural identities of the Esquilino district from a mutualistic perspective. (translated to english from the website)

The Genitori Scuola Di Donato Association has made “direct and voluntary participation in the care of school and neighborhood spaces its guiding principle, promoting virtuous circles of citizen and institutional empowerment.
Therefore, in addition to the recovery of the abandoned spaces of the institute, the association has fought for the recovery of the gardens of Piazza Vittorio and Piazza Manfredo Fanti, the opening of the gyms of the former Silvio Pellico institute to the neighborhood, the creation of the pedestrian plaza at the school exit, and the activation of home-school-playground routes with safe crossings” (Soucre : https://www.romasette.it/archivio/integrazione-a-scuola-genitori-in-prima-linea/ translated to english.)

Through the management, in synergy with institutions, of an Open and Participatory School, school as a common good, AG aims to offer girls, children and adults (interested and not necessarily parents) a place to meet and share, open to the territory in extracurricular hours. (translated to english from the website)

Urban Co-Governance
Enabling State
Tech Justice
Project Website http://www.genitorididonato.it/wp/
References, sources, contact person(s) Press article : https://www.romasette.it/archivio/integrazione-a-scuola-genitori-in-prima-linea/

Contact : genitorididonato@gmail.com


Piazza Fanti Municipio I, Roma 00185 Italy