by Melania Malomo | Jul 26, 2018

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Italy |
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Rome |
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Bibliolibreria Plautilla |
Date |
N/A |
Description of the project |
Set up on the initiative of the Monteverdelegge association and the Giovagnoli Day Centre (DSM ASL Roma D) in the wake of successful experiences launched in Baltimore and Madrid, Plautilla is a free bookshop: books, donated by people who have read and loved them, are made available to other readers who freely choose whether to return them or keep them. Open to all and located in a public space, the Dsm, which is not intended only for regular readers, and involves people marked by psychic disability (and often stigmatised for this), Plautilla is a space for reading and conversation which, thanks also to various activities (meetings, workshops, read alouds), aims to transform access to books into a moment of relationship within the neighbourhood. The project is completed by a web interface including the aNobii account, where the online catalogue can be viewed. |
Urban Co-Governance |
Enabling State |
Pooling |
Experimentalism |
Tech Justice |
Project Website | |
References, sources, contact person(s) | |
Plautilla è una bibliolibreria gratuita: i libri, donati da persone che li hanno letti e amati, vengono messi a disposizione di altri lettori che scelgono liberamente se riportarli o tenerli.
Comunità collaborativa che se ne prende cura
Ci sono cittadini, associazioni, imprenditori o commercianti, scuole, università o altre istituzioni culturali che si stanno prendendo cura (o hanno manifestato l’intenzione di prendersi cura) di questa risorsa condivisa nell’interesse della collettività? Si
Come si chiama la comunità? Comunità
Questa comunità collaborativa ha dato vita a una forma di gestione della risorsa condivisa che sia sostenibile dal punto di vista ambientale, economico, sociale, culturale per garantirne la fruizione da parte di tutta la collettività
Di quale dispositivo di governance? comunità
Via Colautti 28 30 Monteverde, Roma 00152 Italia
by Eloisa Susanna | Jul 26, 2018
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Italy |
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Rome |
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Ex Cinema Impero |
Date |
2014 |
Description of the project |
Built after the mid-1930s by architect Mario Messina, cinema activities took place in the Roman structure until the 1970s, when it lowered its shutters. Since then, the Cinema Impero started to be deteriorated.
The owner of the building embarked on a project to rehabilitate and renovate the premises in the early 2000s, allocating part of the space to the ‘Sapienza – University of Rome’. However it failed due to a massive and long-lasting occupation that affected the building until 2010.A participatory design process took place to renovate the place. Participatory workshops intend to construct the guidelines for the reopening of the former Cinema Impero, now Cantiere Impero, by involving all the associative, professional, institutional, civic realities of the area and beyond, in order to create a new model of dispute over disused private assets for cultural use.Following this participatory design process, in October 2014 works began on the front part of the Cinema (the one that faces Via Acqua Bullicante), which represents 1/5 of the complex. In July 2015, it was completed with the opening of 5 floors and part of the foyer. In this front part, the work was carried out by the owner. The remaining 4/5 are owned by a company. Rooms have been turned into offices and flats into cultural spaces where artistic training services (dance, theatre, performance, etc.) are provided. The space is managed by a private association (SpazioImpero) that offers the space for rent.According to the City Hall, it will have a twofold objective: “To become a pole of research and innovation for professionals and to represent a meeting point for the community, a centre where everyone, from children to the elderly, can engage, even for pleasure, in activities related to art, the physical and wellness.” In the Cantiere Impero there are a number of associations that work autonomously.
CantiereImpero is coordinated by a working group consisting of members of the Tor Pignattara Neighbourhood Committee and the Casilino Ecomuseum Association Ad Duas Lauros with the collaboration of other volunteer citizens. |
Urban Co-Governance |
Enabling State |
Pooling |
Experimentalism |
Tech Justice |
Project Website | |
References, sources, contact person(s) |
Facebook :
Casilino Ecomuseum :
Ideazione e coordinamento Progetto
Claudio Gnessi |
Progettazione e coordinamento laboratori partecipativi
Romina Peritore | |
Via acqua bullicante,123 Tor pignattara, Roma 00177
by Filippo Corvini | Jul 26, 2018

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Italy |
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Rome |
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Centro Social Spartaco |
Date |
1999 |
Description of the project |
Spartacus Community Center has always recognized itself as a place for independent production and enjoyment of culture. Every weekend we program events, live music, film and theater initiatives. On a territorial level, csoa Spartaco has been a promoter of the Cinecittà Bene Comune Network and passionately participates in citizen circles in defense of common goods and democracy through De-Liberiamo roma , Diritto alla Città and La Carovana delle Periferie di Roma. Over the years, the social center has always been committed to community building as a levee to the dominant culture based on domination and proprietary individualism, fostering processes of solidarity cooperation and emancipation through conflict and consciousness raising. Informing the where the dominant culture homogenizes and controls and organizing where it has been possible paths of liberation. |
Urban Co-Governance |
Enabling State |
Pooling |
Experimentalism |
Tech Justice |
Project Website | |
References, sources, contact person(s) |
Facebook page :
Contact : |
Via Selinunte, 57, Roma tuscolano, Roma 00173 Italia
by Filippo Corvini | Jul 26, 2018

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Italy |
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Rome |
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Communia |
Date |
2013 |
Description of the project |
On September 7, 2013, the Omnia Sunt Communia collective occupied the former Piaggio Workshops, abandoned for years and made a dump by neglect, to make it a mutual aid space. The conditions of the workshop were disarming, but after a year of volunteer work and more than 15,000€ spent to clean, fix, renovate and upgrade the place, with numerous masonry, plumbing and electrical works, now the Ex Officine Piaggio are habitable and have been hosting mutual aid activities, the services Communia offers to the neighborhood and cultural, recreational, political and social initiatives for a while now.
Today it is a social place where the most diverse cultures mix in order to propose pedagogical and recreational activities for the San Lorenzo neighborhood. |
Urban Co-Governance |
Enabling State |
Pooling |
Experimentalism |
Tech Justice |
Project Website | |
References, sources, contact person(s) | |
Viale Scalo San Lorenzo, 00185 Roma RM, Italy
by Maria Tomassetti | Jul 26, 2018

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Italy |
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Rome |
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Casa del Parco (Casale Vigna Cardinali) |
Date |
2015 |
Description of the project |
The house of the park welcomes locals and tourists. It is “equipped with a ‘cycle workshop’ for renting and repairing bicycles and a vegetable garden.” It is a “symbol of sustainable tourism: from the welcome via an information point for Romans and tourists with English-speaking operators, to the creation of a vegetable garden – school visits are planned – and the organisation of guided tours, including the hire of bicycles to experience the park at 360 degrees.”
“The management has been entrusted to Humus Onlus and for now it will be open to the public four days a week: from Friday to Monday. The other days the spaces are reserved for schools and other training and meeting activities of local associations. It will offer first reception services, tourist services also aimed at the international public (nature and historical-archaeological guided tours also in foreign languages and bike hire with bikesharing service upon reservation) and educational activities for schools and families in the spaces dedicated to horticulture and historical and naturalistic studies.”
This space has been created thanks to the fight and work of the association of volunteers from the Cafarella park. |
Urban Co-Governance |
Enabling State |
Pooling |
Experimentalism |
Tech Justice |
Project Website | |
References, sources, contact person(s) |
Facebook page :
Cafarella Park :
Contact : |
Largo Pietro Tacchi Venturi Appia Antica, Roma 00179 Italia