Régies de Quartier (n. 11)

Image credit : https://www.regiedequartier.org/

Country France
City Paris (and 130 other places)
Name Régies de Quartier
Date 1980
Description of the project “The 131 Régies de Quartier et de Territoire (Neighborhood and Territory Regies) carry out projects that involve a complex alchemy between solidarity economy, participation of the inhabitants and local development. The Comité National de Liaison des Régies de Quartier (CNLRQ) supports all these associations.

It is a collective adventure that brings together a group of actors who want to provide concrete answers to the needs of a territory: the inhabitants themselves, the elected officials and the local authorities they represent, the social landlords, as well as a group of social and economic partners.” Website

Urban Co-Governance Strong
Enabling State Strong
Pooling Strong
Experimentalism Moderate
Tech Justice Moderate
Project Website https://www.regiedequartier.org/regies-de-quartier/panorama/
References, sources, contact person(s) Contact : accueil@cnlrq.org

Posted on

April 19, 2022