Fundación Parque Cuscatlán

LocationFundación Parque Cuscatlán, El Salvador  
VariableSummary of the qualitative descriptionCoding 
DP_1 Collective Governance1) Active citizens, commoners, social innovators, city makers, and local communities. 2) Public authorities: In some spaces, we have a relationship with the government; for example, the transportation department has a central role, and if we want to do anything on the streets, we must connect with them. The government is supportive of our efforts. We have also had several connections with the Ministry of Culture, but more connections are needed with public transportation. We also sometimes involve the metropolitan region authorities, who know what they are doing regarding regulations. 3) Private actors (national or local businesses; small and medium enterprises; social business): We do collaborate with the private sector, and in El Salvador, it is more challenging in our country because the economic position sometimes is not one of the best, and therefore it is not at the top of our priority usually 4) Civil society organisations and NGOs: We sometimes cooperate with organisations like us. 5) Knowledge institutions: Schools, research institutions, and universities: We collaborate with the academic sector, but it is minimal because we lack time to involve them more.Moderate2
DP_2 Enabling stateThe supportive role of the government is essential in facilitating collective actions for the common good. While financial support may be lacking, the government demonstrates backing for ideas and ensures local community members understand and embrace the project. Acting as an authority figure, the government enhances the project’s appeal, making it more welcoming and accessible. While initial governmental support was crucial for project initiation, ongoing involvement at every stage is imperative to attract broader participation and secure additional funding. Although the support provided by the government is primarily ideological and advisory rather than financial, it remains instrumental in ensuring the project’s success.Weak1
DP_3 Pooling economiesDue to the absence of external government funding, the Fundación Parque Cuscatlán Project is assessed as having a weak rating for this variable.  Weak1
DP_4 ExperimentalismExperimentalism is deemed weak as the approach has not been duplicated or implemented in other regions of the country or beyond.  Weak1
DP_5 Tech justiceSo far, the participatory process is done in the field. We have put some effort into engaging online, for example, in some webinars, but we have not gone deep into that. But if we are talking about any specific tool, we haven’t developed it yet. We use a lot of services, and we have a platform for it, and we analyse it through this application in real-time, but then sometimes we make an analysis of traffic with Google. You must understand that technology is helpful when you have a lot of input, and sometimes, we don’t have it. People don’t use smartphones to inform yet.    Weak1

Fundación Parque Cuscatlán- San Salvador- El Salvador- Community Development through Green Spaces-

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Posted on

May 13, 2024