San Jose – PIC (Plataforma de integraciòn ciudadana)

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Country Costa Rica
City San José
Name PIC’s (Plataforma de integraciòn ciudadana)
Description of the project PIC’s (Plataforma de integraciòn ciudadana) intiative began with a mapping project aiming at gathering on a digital platform information about the urban commons of Costa Rica.

The actions developed by PIC are founded on three concepts: smart, open and slow. Each of this words wants to underline a characteristic that future cities should have. PIC puts collaboration and participation at the basis of all its processes, and through its action aims at creating urban projects (virtual and built) able to improve communities’ quality of life and to fight indifference and resignation.

The methodology followed by PIC in all his projects entails three phases. The first stage aims at bringing the community to become aware of the existence of the commons and of its value, and it does so by involving people in the mapping process, by asking them information and by activating the community already existing around the resource. In a second stage people are asked to propose actions aiming at preserving and improving the commons, and in the third stage ideas are translated into actions. In all phases (and particularly in the last one) PIC tries to involve all actors and stakeholders and proposes itself as space of dialogue and collaboration between the different actors of society: associations, neighborhoods, Parliament members and universities, among others. PIC’s projects saw different interactions with local governments, ranging from support to specific projects and facilitation of co-design session to concrete support in the promotion of a civil project. The Central government is supporting PIC’s efforts for transparency, open data and participation, inviting PIC to collaborate in work sessions of the Parliament or in the sub-committees of the Presidency for the Open Government project.

PIC develops several mid-term projects around the urban commons, such as participation workshops and volunteer meetings, but their project on participation and mapping, called ÁgoraPIC, is continuously updated. PIC’s initiative is spreading around the world, as we can see from the creation of PIC Mexico, and is becoming known thanks to a work of dissemination (through TED talks and recognition of the IDB (Inter-American Development Bank), which allowed the project to reach a Latin American and global diffusion).

Urban Co-Governance Strong
Enabling State Strong
Pooling Moderate
Experimentalism Strong
Tech Justice Strong
Project Website
References, sources, contact person(s) Interview, websites.

Contact :

San José


Posted on

June 8, 2018