“Co-management city assets to improve the quality of democracy” – included within the report “A look at democratic experiments across Europe.”

Luiss professor Iaione calls “administrative collaborative democracy” the idea to establish civic collaborations with local communities, governments, businesses, academics and NGOs.

European cities and their residents are increasingly using collaborative tools which allow inhabitants to participate in the design and management of city assets, a practice which, according to experts, can create more democratic societies and markets.

The aim is to involve residents in the decision-making process and management of city assets or urban commons: “it’s not about just participating in local governments, but it’s about sharing the management of  and co-owning the services and assets with city inhabitants.”

Turin’s Bee Ozanam, once a factory, has been turned into a multi-purpose building, comprising also a temporary house for migrants, a restaurant run by disadvantaged workers and a rooftop community garden. This example is the result of community initiatives aiming to regenerate the place. The regeneration process was funded through the ” Co-City” project, under the EU Urban Innovative Action programme.

The aim of the project was to promote collaboration between the local administration and citizens for the shared management and regeneration of urban commons.


We want to thank Silvia Ellena of Euractive for the interview.

Below is the link to read the full article:

Co-managing city assets to improve the quality of democracy