Naples – Naples as a Co-City
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Country | Italy | |
City | Naples | |
Name | Naples as a Co-City | |
Date | 2011 | |
Description of the project | The city of Naples embraced an enabling approach toward the commons. Since 2011, the city has been issuing a set of municipal ordinances that discipline the commons, adopting an approach deeply rooted in empirical reality, based on the practices of self-organization of the communities that co-govern the commons. The city also implemented institutional and organizational innovations to further improve its action in this field. In 2011, the city of Naples created the Assessor of the Commons and later a Specific Unit internal to the city administration that is committed to fostering and maintaining the dialogue with the civic realities involved and to finding innovative solutions to better deal with the commons.
The city is bringing citizens at the center of the decision-making process and is strengthening participation in political institutions committed to the care of the commons. This approach has led to the recognition of several occupations, which are being redefined as “emerging commons” perceived by citizens as “civic development environments”. As of today, the spaces which are officially recognized as commons are the ex Asilo Filangeri, Villa Medusa, the ex Lido Pola in Bagnoli, the ex Opg, the Giardino Liberato in Materdei, the ex Conservatorio di Santa Fede, the Scugnizzo Liberato and the ex Schipa, and in the future more resources will be added to the list and entrusted to public care. For instance, speaking of the case of the ex Asilo Filangeri, one of its representatives explains: “the ex Asilo is experimenting a new form of urban civic use of a commons” which on one side is inspired by the role currently played by civic uses, on the other side it promotes the adoption of a regulation of public uses in which the management board of the good is constituted by assemblies composed by citizens and workers. Besides all the efforts done in terms of recognition of the social value of the urban commons, the Municipality is engaging in several participatory regeneration processes. Through the work of the 2nd Chance network, which the city of Naples is leading within the framework of the URBACT project, the community will be called to participate in a path which aims at bringing back to life urban sleeping giants (abandoned places), and in particular the complex of Santissima Trinità delle Monache. Naples has also recently joined the URBinclusion network, which will work on fighting socioeconomic disparities and social exclusion in different cities. Furthermore, through a process that will be activated in the Borgo Vergini-Sanità area with the support of MiBACT, the city will direct its efforts towards the regeneration of difficult neighborhoods. |
Urban Co-Governance | ||
Enabling State | ||
Pooling | ||
Experimentalism | ||
Tech Justice | ||
Project Website | | |
References, sources, contact person(s) | Webpage of Naples related to Commons Goods :
One of the funding project in Naples : Contact : Assessorato all’urbanistica – |